Saturday, October 28, 2006


Until a few months ago, I think I was living the christian version of the sitcom "Friends." I was living within a 10 minute walk of 6-8 of my closest friends. Most of the group had lived together as roomates or neighbors for at least 3yrs and some as long as 5yrs. We had lots of funny stories about each other. We dropped in unannounced and went in each other's refridgerators. Okay, there was never very much in mine, but they were free to go through it anyway. In our version, we also worked/volunteered with each other in the same campus ministry and went to the same church.

We knew each others quirks. We knew how to work with one another. We knew how to work around each other. We knew the strengths and weaknesses of each. We lived together, worked together, celebrated together, laughed together. We didn't always get along; there were fights between us. Okay, they had fights between them. I refereed. How could anyone not get along with a sweet guy like me?

Now I live a more typical American adult life. This means that I live at least barely know the people that I work and go to church with. I live too far away to to drop in on anyone I'd like to be close with. The typical American adult life sucks.


Anonymous said...

Awwww... We miss you too Reg! I think I'm still in shock that you're not coming back...

JD said...

true that.

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