Tuesday, September 23, 2008

No Regrets

Almost exactly one year ago, i posted about "5 things I've Never regretted." In this post, I list them and I expand how I understand what they mean below.

Loving God

Loving People

Dreaming BIG

Being Diligent

Being Patient

Loving God is essential. It means intentionally directing my affections by making lifestyle choices that diret my thoughts and actions towards things that give God pleasure. It means persistently realigning my passions so that I can pursue the thngs that are on my Father's heart.

Loving People is one of the ways that a genuine love for God is expressed. It means remembering to love others to the same extent that I love myself and treating people as well as I'd like to be treated. It also means holding others in higher regard than I hold myself.

Dreaming BIG is about being hopeful. It's about me continuing to believe that no matter how great I imagine something can be, God's going to top my wildest imagination. It's about meeting disappointment with an even bigger dream.

Being Diligent means translating passion and imagination into consistent effort. Love without action is just emothion. Dreams without implementation are merely fantasies. Diligence turns possibilities into performance and aspirations into achievement.

Being Patient is about knowing that anything I want to happen will probably take awhile. It's about learning to want only things that are worth waiting for.

When I think about decisions that I've made and the way I made them, I'm not always proud. Today, some of them make me wince with pain as I have come to understand how others were affected by my choices. However, I don't regret any decisions that I made loving God, loving people, dreaming big, being diligent, and being patient.

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