Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Lessons I'd like to teach

I was communicating to a friend of mine two fundamental lessons that I learned while leading a ministering to women for the first time. (These are featured in an earlier post)

(1) Being cared for is more important than being challenged

(2) Being loved is more important than being admired

After explaining these to her, I thought, "Is this any different from what everyone wants? Do men want something different? Do i want anything different?" So, I've been mulling it over. What lessons would I want someone to keep in mind as they try connect to me?

Here is what I came up with:

(1) Recognize and respect what I have to offer, and invite me to contribute.

(2) Believe in me by extending the gift of trust when I lead or when I follow, and I want the benefit of the
doubt that I can handle a challenge.

Is this a typical?
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