Monday, May 07, 2007

Easily Deceived

About this time every year, I make a concentrated effort to practice gratitude. I minimize the disappointment, regrets, and loses of the past 12 months, and I magnify all of the good things. Here is how I do it:

I remember God's comfort in pain and the lessons learned through trouble. I remember His promises and His character. I rejoice that I am His choice to be adopted into His family and that Jesus is not ashamed to call me brother.

I remember how much I enjoy friends and how precious the relationships in my life are. I decide to believe the best about people's motives. I remember how blessed I am to have so many friends.

I choose to believe the best about myself. I choose to forgive myself. I remember that my future is limited by my faith not by my failures. Then I choose to trust God.

Eventually, I begin to wonder how I could have spent any time being frustrated with myself, bitter at others, or suspicious of God. Then I remember how, I am simple minded and easily deceived.

Silly me


Kingdom Shifts said...

Reggie-you mentioned that every year about this time you make this particular list. I was wondering if you started this while in college? If so, it potentially reveals either: (a) You were procrasinating during finals and were suddenly "inspired" to make this list (b) Finals were difficult and you needed a dose of reality--"I really do have something to be thankful for..."


Bless you brother!

rh said...

I wish I had been this thankful during finals! I started this after my first year in campus ministry. I knew that I'd need to report to my partners during the summer; so, I started to practice gratitude.

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