Thursday, July 13, 2006

Hope Fearlessly

I always thought of myself as a realist. Then I realized I was mainly "real" about the negative aspect of a situation. I guess that makes me a pessimist. I can't justify pessimism though so I setup mental detours, by God's grace, to help me get off of the pessimism track. These are really helpful when I start remembering failures and disappointments I've had because I'll see a detour sign like "Love hopes all things, believes all things...keeps no record of wrongs...."

Then, I usually grit my teeth and grunt as I recalibrate my will to hope despite disappointment in myself, my family, my community, my church, and my God. I continue with a groan and a growl as I renew my resolve to believe in myself and my dreams. At least that's how I did it yesterday.

Love Courageously,
Hope Fearlessly


Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha! I can just hear you grunting! -AGM

rh said...

yeah, I'll miss growling at your old dining room table.

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