Sunday, September 24, 2006

Expect to Fail

It's gonna happen. It's okay. Write it off. Enjoy the experience. When you succeed, you will fail. Failures can be sweet if you persevere. Rarely will you build character through success. Success is often more satisfying when preceded by a sereis of failures to attain it.

Scenerio 1) You try. You fail. You learn. You grow. Your appetite increases. Your vision increases. You do it all over. If your vision is big enough, you'll always fail, and along the way inspire others to see the same vision. If the vision is big enough, they will fail as well having inspired others to see the same vision.

Scenario 2) You try. You fail. You question why you ever tried. You can't remember why though it was worth the effort. You feel like a fool. You live with what you have. You wonder what could have been like.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh thank goodness, cause I've sure failed a lot!

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